Projekt PESCAR:
Pesticide Control and Reduction

Projekt PESCAR – Pesticide Control and Reduction je jedan od projekata prekogranične suradnje kojim se želi zaštititi okoliš te potaknuti održiva upotreba prirodnih resursa. Cilj projekta jest promovirati smanjenu i ciljanu uporabu pesticida na programskom području u svrhu zaštite prirode.

Projekt PESCAR: Pesticide Control and Reduction


Zaštita voćnjaka i vinograda u zimskom razdoblju

Zaštita voćnjaka i vinograda u zimskom razdoblju

Obavijest br. 52/2024

Zaštita voćnjaka i maslinika

Zaštita voćnjaka i maslinika

Obavijest br. 51/2024

Zaštita vinograda

Zaštita vinograda

Obavijest br. 50/2024


Mjerne postaje

PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida
Ninski Stanovi PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 11,2 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 72,1 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Murvica Gornja PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 10,1 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 51,5 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Baštica PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 10,1 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 57,8 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Baštica Kašić PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 9,6 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 58,3 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Nova Baštica PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 10,3 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 48,5 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Smilčić PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 8,2 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 61,1 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Nadin PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 10,2 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 53,4 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Jankolovica PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 11,0 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 63,2 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Dugi Otok PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 10,0 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 74,7 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Korlat PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 8,0 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 61,0 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Ugljan PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 11,5 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 58,2 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Pag PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 10,8 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 67,9 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00
Bila Vlaka (Stankovci) PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 9,8 °C PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 53,8 % PESCAR Pesticide Control and Reduction: kontrolirana upotreba pesticida 12.12.2024. 14:00